Sunday, September 3, 2017

What's up with Mord Mar?

I have been doing a lot of posts lately that have little or nothing to do with Mord Mar. I feel like an explanation is in order.
As many of you know, I have co-founded a digital (and hopefully someday print) RPG products company. This will someday be the instrument that brings Mord Mar into the wider world. But, recently this has driven me to push away from Mord Mar.
A couple of contests have been completed. It wasn't best to set the pre-determined monsters inside of Mord Mar. Besides this, the word limit imposed in the contests limited the ability to expand lore inside of the modules.
My next (solo) project is a Halloween module. I hope to have it done by October 1-10. Again, the setting precludes the use of the megadungeon. I could evoke the suspense and creepiness. But, that's not the flavor of Mord Mar. At least not where I am at in development and writing. . .

There is good news for those of you looking for more Mord Mar. The writing experience of this summer has drastically improved my abilities. When you finally get to see Blood Pharaoh, you will agree. Pulling away from Mord Mar has helped me to rediscover myths and legends that will be incorporated in different places of the megadungeon. The world around Mord Mar is expanding. Instead of just Var Nae and Stonemire, we now have Redstone, Gilramore, a temple of Hephestus and other cities and ruins to explore.

Having these other places allows me to give Mord Mar a lore and history outside of the dungeon itself. Over time, they will influence each other.

For those of you travelling to Gamehole Con, I am running a Mord Mar game Friday at 10 am. Come check it out if you are interested. Expect another blog on the subject soon. (There will be an exciting reveal IMO)

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